Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Liberal vs. Socialist

George Washington was a liberal. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. James Madison was a liberal. The Constitution of the United States sets up a government based on liberal principles. This country was founded by liberals to conduct an experiment in liberalism. Then, in the mid-nineteenth century, along came socialism. It appealed to the unintelligent masses. It is based on flawed social science. Everywhere it has been tried it has failed.

Then, Eugene V. Debs ran for President of the United States. He was arrested under the Espionage Act during World War I and socialists fled underground. When they reemerged, they had co-opted the term liberal and set out to rebrand the Democratic Party. But, there was nothing liberal about the reemerging socialists.

According to Ludwig von Mises, Austrian economist and philosopher, liberalism promotes free enterprise, limited government and individual freedom as the path to social justice and world peace. Everything the socialists believe is anathema to liberals. Socialists decry capitalism as exploitative; liberals see capitalism as the catalyst for uplifting every sector of society. Socialists see government as the answer to every problem; liberals see government as a necessary evil to be limited in scope and power. Socialists see true individual freedom as the path to anarchy; liberals see it as the path to self expression and self enlightenment. Socialists see debate as a threat; liberals see debate as vital to democracy. Socialists see the accumulation of wealth as immoral; liberals see the accumulation of wealth as a reward for peace.

Ask yourself if Democrats sound like socialists or liberals. The answer is clear. The Democrat Party as envisioned by Thomas Jefferson was liberal. That party was insinuated with socialists in the early twentieth century and was taken over completely by 1932 when the socialist Franklin Delano Roosevelt became the Party's nominee. Roosevelt's answer to the Depression was to push through Congress the most sweeping socialist agenda ever attempted in history. We are living with the consequences of that policy today. Social Security is going bankrupt and the socialist health care policies of the sixties are threatening to bankrupt the treasury. This country enjoyed its most prosperous and explosive growth under liberalism. Socialism took almost a century to kill it.

The Libertarian Party, today, is the last vestige of true liberalism in the world. It is time we reclaimed our rightful title and returned this country to its liberal founding principles. Fascism under the neo-conservative Republicans has given us a world filled with hate and resentment and socialism has given us an economy and treasury teetering on the edge of disaster. Capitalism under the control of fascists in America exists only to enrich the wealthy and powerful. Socialism has mollified the masses of poor Americans with empty promises that can't be fulfilled. It is time for true liberalism to reemerge in American politics and save the world from destruction as it tried to do in the eighteenth and nineteenth century before it was highjacked by leftwing lunatics.

Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama and John Edwards are not liberals, they are socialists. Until we start calling them what they are, this country will continue to decline until there is nothing left but the remnants of a once flourishing civilization.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Conspiracy of Lies

George W. Bush is now an active member of the conspiracy to the obstruction of justice that Scooter Libby was charged with, convicted of and sentenced for. He is now a co-conspirator in the plot to destroy a CIA agent in order to discredit an honorable American who only wanted to know the truth. A truth that was inconvenient for the President and Vice President. Ambassador Wilson wasn't the only person looking into the question of whether or not Sadaam Hussein had sought to buy uranium from Niger. When the President spoke the lie in the State of the Union Address he had ample proof of the falsehood of the lie from multiple sources. The President knew it was a lie, the Vice President knew it was a lie and the Director of the CIA knew it was a lie. But the lie was spoken nonetheless and nearly five years later, after all the irrefutable proof of the lie, the Vice President still speaks the lie at every opportunity. Hitler said if you speak the lie often enough people will believe it. But the American people are smarter than the President and Vice President give them credit for. We now know it's a lie and we're not buying it.

And the Administration knew there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I was misled for a considerable time and continued to believe that there were weapons of mass destruction and subscribed to the view that Sadaam Hussein had managed to export them to Syria even as multinational forces were massing on his border. Then, a former CIA agent speaking to MSNBC revealed that when Sadaam Hussein's son-in-law defected to Jordan the CIA interviewed him. He was the senior official in the Iraqi government in charge of the weapons of mass destruction. He told the CIA there were no weapons of mass destruction. The CIA knew it and told the President. But that too was an inconvenient truth. So the President, the Vice President and even the junior Senator from New York denied the American people the truth.

This Administration is rotten to the core and the rotting begins at the head. Keith Olberman on MSNBC recalls a statement by John Wayne on the election of John F. Kennedy. He said he hadn't voted for Kennedy, but he recognized Kennedy as his President and he hoped he would do a good job. I can paraphrase Mr. Wayne by saying I voted for George W. Bush and I hoped he would do a good job. I can state unequivocally that I am severely disappointed. George W. Bush has proven to be one of those domestic threats to the Constitution that I swore an oath to defend against in 1982 when I joined the US Navy. He has spied on American citizens without a warrant, mined our phone and internet activity and denied habeas corpus to individuals he deems a threat to our national security. When those individuals successfully challenge their detention before a military judge, he has ordered those proceedings to be repeated over and over and over again until the outcome comes out 'right'. He has led this nation into an unjust, illegal, preemptive war claiming an imminent threat where none existed, just so the Vice President could settle a personal political score. He has sold out the economic security of hundreds of thousands of American workers so his business friends could profit from the economic ruin of those American workers. And he has left this country vulnerable to the kind of terror threat that surfaced in London and Glasgow by not securing this country from foreign terrorists.

George W. Bush and Richard Cheney should be removed from office for the safety and security of our Republic. Unfortunately, we are shackled with Congressional leadership that is more incompetent than the administration they are tasked with overseeing. Henry Waxman, John Conyers and all of the Congressional Democrats are idiots who couldn't mount a successful impeach of a criminal like Richard Nixon. Barbara Jordan is probably rolling over in her grave. They can't get Alberto Gonzales who is clearly in contempt of Congress and has probably perjured himself. The deck is stacked against Congress. The Justice Department is staffed by neo-con political appointees and the courts are run by conservative judges who support expansive executive privilige. Getting a successful prosecution of George Bush and Dick Cheney passed the current conservative Supreme Court will require a level of legal expertise that the current Congress just isn't up to. Unfortunately, the Congress is so incompetent that any prosecution of George Bush and Dick Cheney will be portrayed as purely political and that will cost the Deomcrats control of Congress.

Since our politicians are incapable of doing their duty, I call upon all patriotic US Armed Forces personnel to uphold their oath to the Constitution and refuse to obey any orders from their Commander-In-Chief until he admits his crimes against the Constitution and resigns. If he refuses, the generals and admirals of the Pentagon should walk over to the White House, pick George Bush and Dick Cheney up and throw them out of the house. Let's be absolutely clear about what I'm advocating. I'm calling for a military coup de etat to restore the Constitution. After George Bush and Dick Cheney are on the White House lawn, the next in succession should be immediately sworn into office. The time has come for all patriots to do their duty to the Constitution. It is the Fourth of July and our Constitution and Democracy are under threat from a democratically elected fascist dictator and his equally fascist mentor. With all due respect to Justice Black, the Constitution IS a suicide pact. It is the whole purpose of the exercise in Democracy. Without it we are subject to the whims of any tyrant who can get a majority in the Electoral College. And every member of the United States Armed Forces has sworn an oath to that Constitution, not to the President, not to the country but to a document that we hold as sacred to our Democracy as the Bible is to our Christian Faith.

There is nothing that the current Congress can do about the disastrous war in Iraq, but they can stall any initiatives by the White House for the next 18 months. If Congress can't get rid of the President and Vice President at least they can limit any further damage by obstructing and neutering the White House. Keith Olberman calls for the President and Vice President to do the patriotic thing and resign. ( I wouldn't hold my breath. George Bush believes he is God's instrument and Dick Cheney is addicted to absolute power. We're stuck with these criminals until January 20, 2009 or the Armed Forces act. I probably won't vote for whoever is the next President of the United States, but I hope they will do a good job.