Thursday, May 24, 2007

Who's To Blame for Iraq?

Whether George Bush or Al Gore were President on September 11, 2001 would have made no difference. We would still have been attacked, and more than 3000 people would have died. The difference would have been the reaction vis-a-vis Iraq. Al Gore would never have taken us into a bloody, foolish war with Iraq. So who's to blame for the disaster that Iraq has become. 22,198 people in New Hampshire who thought it would be fun to poke a finger in the eye of the political process and cast a vote for a man who had no chance in Hell of being elected President. New Hampshire is the only New England state to go for Bush. New Hampshire's 4 electoral votes is the margin of victory. The deaths of 3,432 Americans can be laid at the feet of the fine voters of New Hampshire. The Green Party, the most anti-war party in America, stole the election of 2000 for George Bush. Ralph Nader should be the most hated man in America, not Dick Cheney. The War in Iraq is Ralph Nader's fault. Ross Perot may have done the country a favor in 1992 when he threw the election to Bill Clinton, but Ralph Nader is responsible for the worst foreign policy decision any president of this country has ever made. Ralph Nader and 22,198 voters in New Hampshire made George Bush the Dictator of the United States of America and put into power people who were hell bent on the first day on destroying Sadaam Hussein no matter the cost.

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