Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fascism in America

We have been living under a fascist regime since 9-12-01. The attacks of September 11th were the excuse that people in the Administration, like Dick Cheney, had been looking for. Militarism, secrecy and all the trappings of a police state under the guise of "national security." Those who would give up a little liberty for a little security deserve neither.

Now, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination is an unabashed fascist. Ask the people of New York City. They will tell you about the administration of the little dictator, Rudy Giuliani. He used the police to control his opponents. He was obsessive about secrecy. He controlled the media through fear and intimidation. And when his term was up, he tried to use 9-11 as an excuse to extend it indefinitely!

We fought World War II to defeat fascisim in Europe. Now, sixty years later, fascism is alive and well in the United States of America. About 30% of the Republican Party is fascist. That's Rudy's base. If he can scare the rest to death, he can win the Republican nomination.

If you thought Bush was a tyrrant, just wait for St. Rudy. Giuliani has no regard for the niceties of the Constitution, not as a federal prosecutor, not as mayor and certainly not as president.

The very neoconservatives who talked Bush into war against Sadaam Hussein are advising Rudy Giuliani. Bush's militaristic foreign policy will be pacifist compared to Giuliani's. a vote for Giuliani is a vote for war with Iran, which I am convinced will lead to World War III with Russia and China.

Giuliani will continue the Bush Administration's policy of classifying every document produced. There will be absolutely no Congressional oversight allowed of a Giuliani presidency.

Spying on American citizens under Bush has at least a hint of being related to terrorism. Under Giuliani, spying on American citizens will become a routine task and terrorism will not be the only justification.

I hate Hillary Clinton and her socialist agenda, but I hate Rudy Giuliani and his fascist agenda even more. Someone has to stop Rudy Giuliani, and if none of the Republican candidates can do it, only Hillary has the thick skin and naked ambition to beat him in a general election. If Rudy Giuliani is the nominee, next fall will be a bloody, dirty, disgusting battle for the hearts, minds and votes of the American people. Watch out and bring your hip waders. The fascist and socialist are going to war and they're taking no prisoners. Nothing less that the fate of Western civilization is at stake. 2008 is the most important Presidential Election in US history. Nothing has threatened our way of life more than Rudy Giuliani's ambition to become the most powerful man in the world.

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